Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Cource Details


Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity

The STCW Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety, and Hull Integrity online course serve as a fundamental training program
dedicated to ensuring the safety of passengers, cargo, and the structural integrity of roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) passenger ships. The course aims to impart essential safety procedures and knowledge necessary for the seamless and secure operation of these vessels.

Designed to meet the stringent requirements set forth by STCW Regulation V/2 (9), A-V/2 (5), this training is mandatory for specific personnel, including Masters, Chief Engineer Officers, Chief Mates, and Second Engineer Officers.

Additionally, it is compulsory for individuals assigned immediate responsibilities involving passenger embarkation and disembarkation, cargo loading, discharging, or securing, and closing hull openings on ro-ro passenger ships.
The course covers various critical aspects, including the safe movement of vehicles and passengers during embarkation and disembarkation, cargo safety protocols, and the maintenance of hull integrity. Ensuring the well-being of passengers and crew, along with the protection of cargo and the ship's structural soundness, are fundamental objectives in maritime safety and security.

By successfully completing this training, individuals are well-prepared to fulfill their responsibilities effectively and
contribute to the overall safety and operational excellence of ro-ro passenger ships. Compliance with these regulations is not only a legal obligation but also a testament to the maritime industry's commitment to safeguarding lives, assets, and the integrity of its operations at sea.

Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity

Rs 3,000.00/-